Thursday, July 10, 2008

That Seventies Birthday!

Today I was asked, by the bank, for my "current date of birth".

While this question may have been relevant prior to my 19th birthday, those happy carefree days and drunken nights as "R.W. Munchkin" have long since passed. Now when I've bought and drank in excess of my need, I have only "B. Goddard" to blame.

Now, if Marty McFly was an RBC customer. . . there could be an interesting conversation.
"Current date of birth? Uh. . . negative 46".


Anonymous said...

Hello Brad!

Don't be weirded out, but I found you on Facebook and instead of running up a massive phone bill by calling you from Ontario, I decided to leave you this message instead. I'm almost certain that you are the same Brad Goddard that acted in Single & Sexy many moons ago. I'm stage managing it this year and I've taken on inviting all the past casts of S&S to the special 20th anniversary premiere that's happening on August 28th at 1 PM, followed by a reception at 2 30 PM.

I realize that you coming might be a bit of a longshot considering you live in Alberta now, but I wanted you to know that you haven't been forgotten :-)

Let me know if you think you can make it and I'll send you the 'official' invite with RSVP info and such.

Thanks so much for your time!

Kate Teddiman.

Anonymous said...

p.s. I'm a tool and forgot to tell you that my email is

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